기자 사진


Kim Dae-jung said during his special interview with Le Monde Diplomatique (Korean edition) on Sept. 14 that American neo-conservatives and Japanese right-wing groups should not abuse or sanction North Korea in order to restrain China. The person on the left in this photo is Ignacio Ramonet, the editor-in-chief of Le Monde Diplomatique.

Kim Dae-jung said during his special interview with <i>Le Monde Diplomatique</i> (Korean edition) on Sept. 14 that American neo-conservatives and Japanese right-wing groups should not abuse or sanction North Korea in order to restrain China. The person on the left in this photo is Ignacio Ramonet, the editor-in-chief of <i>Le Monde Diplomatique</i>.

ⓒLe Monde Korea2006.09.14

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