765kV high-voltage power transmission towers at Night - 오마이뉴스 모바일

765kV high-voltage power transmission towers at Night

등록 2014.01.16 13:49수정 2014.01.16 14:02
Under high voltage power transmission lines fluorescent light bulbs light up without having any electrical source.

Over fifty fluorescent light tubes start lighting up when one end of the bulb gets stuck into the ground of the farmland under a transmission tower, as shown in the video.

This video was taken under the 765,000V extra high voltage power transmission lines near a power plant in Dangjin by a reporting team from Ohmynews.

The strong electromagnetic field generated from power transmission lines turns on these fluorescent bulbs. The electromagnetic field yields electromagnetic waves.

According to a report (A Research on a Calculated Amount of Electromagnetic Radiated Power Generated by Transmission Lines), published by the Korea Electric Power Association outsourced by the Korea Electric Power Corp., "an average of 3.6 mG of electromagnetic waves can be generated within a distance of 80 meters from any AC lines transmitting 765,000V of power".

A report from an international institute says that "electromagnetic waves of 3 mG can increase the risk of leukemia in children by 3.8 times".

The Korea Electric Power Corp. stated that this was "just one of many research results" and nothing has yet been "proven".

The total length of the 765,000V electric power transmission lines built up to this point nationwide is estimated to be approximately 457Km and the number of transmission towers is about 900.

The transmission lines under construction now, in Miryang, are scheduled to be completed within this year.

번역: Og Lim (임옥, 정의와 상식을 추구하는 시민 네트워크)
