<뉴스영어특강> 일요일새벽의 화재로 소방관 6명 순직

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등록 2001.03.05 09:04수정 2001.03.05 10:21
원고료로 응원
16 People Killed in Holiday Fires - Six Firemen Die in Line of Duty -

휴일 화재로 16명 사망 - 소방수 6명, 진화중 사망 -

Two fires in Seoul yesterday claimed the lives of 16 people, including
six *firefighters.

* firefighter : a man whose work is fighting fires, fireman : 소방수

어제, 서울에서 일어난 두 건의 화재로 소방수 6명을 포함해서 16명이 사망

Six firefighters were killed and three were injured early yesterday
morning while *struggling to control a fire that *engulfed a two-story
building, causing it to *collapse.

* struggle: fight; make great efforts; 싸우다, 크게 노력하다, 기를 쓰다
* engulf : to destroy by swallowing up 침몰시키다, 삼켜서 파괴하다
* collapse : break down : 무너지다, 붕괴하다; 붕괴, 도산

어제 아침, 2층 건물을 불태운 화재 진화를 위해 고군분투하던 중, 건물 붕
괴로 인해 6명의 소방수가 사망하고, 3명의 소방수가 부상을 입었다.

Nine firefighters were buried under tons of *rubble when the house
suddenly collapsed.

* rubble : (a mass of) broken stones or bricks 파편, 무더기

9명의 소방수는 갑자기 무너진 수 톤의 건물 파편 더미 밑에 깔렸다.

The fire broke out on the second-floor of the building, located in
Hongje- dong, northwestern Seoul, at around 4:30 a.m.

화재는 서울의 북서쪽 홍제동에 위치한 빌딩의 이층에서 새벽 4시 30분경
에 발화됐다.

blow over : (of a bad weather) to stop blow 악천후가 멈추다,
viable : to succeed in operation : 자생력있는
KDB : Korea Development Bank : 한국산업은행
HEI : Hyundai Electronic Industry 현대전자
WTO : World Trade Organization; 세계무역기구
refinance : to borrow or lend money to pay off a debt 돈을 빌리다,
accordance : agreement 일치, 합치
crub : to control 억제하다, 제한하다
insolvent : not having money to pay what one owes 지불 능력이
firefighter : a man whose work is fighting fires, fireman : 소방수
struggle: fight; make great efforts; 싸우다, 크게 노력하다, 기를 쓰다
engulf : to destroy by swallowing up 침몰시키다, 삼켜서 파괴하다
collapse : break down : 무너지다, 붕괴하다; 붕괴, 도산
rubble : (a mass of) broken stones or bricks 파편, 무더기
succumb : to yield 굴복하다, 항복하다, 견디지 못하다
blaze : the sudden sharp shooting up of a flame (갑자기 격렬하게
floriculture : the cultivation of flowering plants : 원예
patriarchy : a social system ruled or controlled only by men
slate : to designate for action or appointment : 예정하다/ 스레트
ultramodern : extremely modern : 초현대식의
state-of-the-art : 최신, 최첨단의
round-the-clock : continuously / : 24시간 연속의
glitch : a fault or defect in a system or machine : 기계의 돌연한 고장
laughingstock : something that is regarded as foolish and causes
faulty : a defect or flaw : 결함
launch : to set in operation : 착수하다, 가동하다
accessible : able to access, able to reach : 접근할 수 있는
strand : to run, drift, or drive upon the shore/ bog down : 좌초시키다,
coincide : to occupy the same place in space : 동시에 발생하다
hub : the central part of a wheel, propeller,or fan : 중심부
accommodate : make fit or suitable, adjust : 수용하다, 용납하다
shortfall : deficit, shortage : 부족, 부족분(액)
shortfall : an amount by which something is short of a goal : 부족액
shortsighted : nearsighted, lacking foresight, : 근시안의
malfunction:to fail to operate in the normal or usual manner:오작동하다
scare away : 위협해 쫓아버리다.
KID : Korea Industrial Development : 고려산업개발
Turk : a native or inhabitant of Turkey : 터키사람, 과격한 사람
injures: harm, damage to a living thing 부상, 상해(self-injures 자해)
constant : happening all the time 끊임없이 일어나는, 연속적인
depress : to sadden, discourage 슬프게(우울하게)하다, 기소침하게
symptom: an outward sign of an inward, often bad, condition징후
overcome : to fight successfully against, defeat 극복하다
intervene :to interrupt somethings, to prevent a bad result중재하다
medical : of concerning medicine and treating the sick 의학의,
psychiatry: the study and treatment of diseases of the mind
recline : to lie back or down, be or put oneself in a position of
stun : to make unconscious by hitting the head 놀라게 하다, 아연
vain : uselessly, without success 효과없이, 보람없이, 헛되이
frequent : common, found or happening often 평소의, 흔한, 상습적인
heartfelt : deeply felt, sincere, true 절실히 느낀, 깊이 감명한, 진실한
manual : a (small) book of information about how to do something,
vehicle : something in or on which people or goods can be
grief : great sorrow or feelings of suffering 큰 슬픔, 비탄, 고뇌
degree : a point on an imaginary line, which is used for measuring
comfort : (a person or thing that gives) strength, hope, or
avert : to prevent happening , avoid 예방하다, 피하다
tragedy : a terrible, unhappy, or unfortunate event비극적인 사건,
consumer : a person who buys and uses goods and servieds 소비자
GNI : Gross National Income : 국민총소득
purchase : buying 매입, 구매

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