<오늘의 뉴스영어특강> 부당 환자에게 지불된 의료보험비용, 1200억원

120 Bil. Won in Health Coverage Provided to Unqualified Patients

등록 2001.04.23 08:17수정 2001.04.23 10:18
원고료로 응원
120 Bil. Won in Health Coverage Provided to Unqualified Patients

부당 환자에게 지불된 의료보험비용, 1,200억원

The national health insurance system was found to have provided
more than 120 billion won in illegal insurance coverage to patients suffering injuries from traffic accidents, *violence and *self-infliction.

* violence: intense or furious often destructive action or force:폭력
* self-infliction : 자해(自害)

의료보험제도가 교통사고, 폭력 그리고 자해 사고의 피해자에게 불법으로 보험료 1,200억원이상이 제공된 것으로 알려졌다.

According to the National Health Insurance Corp. (*NHIC) yesterday, the unjustified insurance coverage was estimated at 125.9 billion won at the end of last year.

* NHIC : National Health Insurance Corp. : 국립의료보험공단

국립의료보험공단의 어제 발표에 의하면, 작년말 현재 부당 의료보험료는 약 1259억원으로 추정된다고 한다.

The amount is *equivalent to annual insurance premiums paid by
309,000 company workers who each earn 2 million won or more per

* equivalent : equal , same; corresponding:맞먹는, 상당하는

이러한 규모는 매달 2백만원 이상을 버는 근로자 30만9천명이 연간
지불하는 의료보험료와 같은 규모이다.

The sum broke down to 108.1 billion won for patients under the
insurance system for the self-employed and 17.8 billion won for
those belonging to the system for company workers.

이 금액은 1,081억원이 자영업체 보험대상환자들에게 지불된 것이며
178억원은 기업체 소속대상 환자들에게 지불된 금액으로 나뉘어진다.

The figure *implied that self-employed subscribers had *cheated the insurance system to benefit from insurance coverage in illegal ways.

* imply : to express indirectly. 암시하다. 넌지시 비추다.
* cheat :to take from (someone) dishonestly or deceitfully:속이다.

이러한 규모는 자영업가입자들이 불법으로 보험료 혜택을 받으려고
보험제도를 속인 것으로 드러났다.

The current law bans those *victimized by traffic accidents, violence and self-infliction from getting health insurance coverage, because their medical bills will be covered by automobile insurance or *compensation from criminal *convicts. Victims of self-inflicted injuries have to pick up the bills by themselves.

* victimize : cause (someone) to suffer unfairly : 희생시키다
* compensation : a suitable payment for some loss : 보상
* convict : prove one guilty of : 유죄를 입증(선언)하다 ; 죄인

현행법은 교통사고, 폭력사고 그리고 자해사고 환자들은 보험금지급에서 제외되도록 되어 있는데, 이는 이러한 비용은 자동차보험이나 형사범으로부터의 보상금으로 처리되기 때문이다. 자해환자의 부상치료는
자신이 비용을 지불해야 한다.

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3. Gov't, Creditors Hitting Snag Over Hyundai Issue.(60%)
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1. Foreign Min. May Visit US in June. (40%)
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@ Parties Poles Apart on NK Policy. (90%)
-> 여야, 북한정책에 관해서 극과 극의 차이

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