<뉴스영어특강> 안기부는 신한국당 전속 안전기획부였나?

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등록 2001.01.09 09:25수정 2001.01.09 11:10
원고료로 응원
Agency Found to Have Diverted State Budget - 115 Bil. Won in Campaign Funds Raised -

안기부의 국가 예산 전용 확인 - 선거 자금 1,150억 원 조성

The prosecution said yesterday it found that the nation's spy agency
had raised a total of 115.7 billion won in illegal campaign funds and
that half of the money was given to 185 then-ruling party candidates
running in the 1996 general elections and the 1995 local council

검찰은 어제 전 안기부가 총 1,157억원의 불법 선거 자금을 조성하여 이
가운데 절반을 '96 총선과 '95년의 지방 자치제 선거에 출마했던 당시 여당
후보자들 185명에게 제공한 사실을 확인했다고 발표했다.

Prosecutors said that as much as 94 billion won was transferred into
accounts belonging to Kang Sam-jae, chief campaign manager and
secretary- general of the then-governing New Korea Party (NKP),
*predecessor of the main opposition Grand National Party (GNP), in
early 1996.

* predecessor : one who has previously held a position : 전임자, 전신

검찰은 1996년 초, 현 한나라당의 전신인 당시 신한국당의 선관위원장이자
사무총장이었던 강삼재 의원 소유의 계좌로 940억원이 이체되었다고

Kang, currently serving a GNP lawmaker, is suspected of having
*distributed an average of 500 million won to each NKP candidate.
But, he strongly denied the *accusation, saying that he *legitimately
managed campaign funds.

* distribute : to divide among several or many : 분배하다, 배급하다
* accusation : a charge of wrongdoing : 비난, 고소
* legitimately: according to law; reasonable; sensible:합법적으로.

현재 한나라당의 의원인 강의원은 평균 5,000만원의 금액을 신한국당의 각
의원들에게 분배한 혐의를 받고 있다. 그러나 그는 합법적으로 운영된
선거자금이었다고 언급하면서 이 혐의 사실을 강력히 부인하고 있다.

Some then-opposition party candidates were also confirmed to have
received the illegal funds.

당시 야당 후보들 가운데 일부도 불법 자금을 받은 것으로 확인되었다.

Investigators discovered that the Agency for *National Security
Planning (NSP) *diverted taxpayer's money to raise the illegal funds,
most of which stemmed from the Ministry of Finance and Economy
(MOFE). The funds also included 900 million won raised by selling
the NSP's headquarter compound on the foot of Mt. Namsan.

* NSP : National Security Planning : 국가안전기획부, 안기부
* divert : to turn from a course or purpose : 전용하다

검찰은 안기부가 국민의 세금을 불법 자금 조성에 전용했으며 대부분의
자금 출처는 재정 경제부였다고 언급했다. 이 자금에는 또한 남산 기슭에
있었던 안기부 본사를 매각하여 조달한 9억원도 포함되어 있다.

``We've succeeded in *tracking down the source of the illegal
campaign funds. We've confirmed that the NSP diverted its budget
coming from the government treasury. The money then appeared in
bank accounts under direct control of Rep. Kang before the April
1996 elections,'' Prosecutor-General Park Soon-yong said in a press

* track down: follow; pursue; 따라가다, 추적하다,

"우리는 불법 선거 자금의 본원을 추적하는데 성공했다. 안기부는 국고에서
지급된 예산을 선거자금으로 전용한 것이다. 이 자금은 96년 총선 전, 당시
강삼재 의원이 직접 관리하던 은행 계좌에서 발견되었다." 라고 박순영
검찰 총장은 기자 간담회에서 언급했다.

He said that Kang was found to have offered 50 billion won of the
94 billion won to NKP candidates, adding that the investigation team
is now conducting probes to *reveal how the remaining 44 billion
won of the money was spent.

* reveal : open up to view : 공개하다, 밝히다

박총장은 강삼재 의원이 940억원 가운데 500억원을 신한국당 후보들에게
제공한 사실이 밝혀졌다고 언급했으며 수사팀은 현재 나머지 440억원의
사용처를 밝히기 위한 수사를 진행중이라고 덧붙였다.

``We are focusing on shedding light on the illegal fund scheme
which *constitutes grave crimes committed by the NSP.''

* constitute : to appoint to an office or duty : 구성하다

"우리는 안기부가 저지른 불법 자금 조달 계획이라는 중대한 범죄를
밝히는데 중점을 두고 있다."

*Conscious that the funding scandal has developed into a tense
political standoff between the ruling and opposition parties, he
warned that the investigations into the case should not be *swayed
by conflicting interests of opposing political parties.

* conscious : known or felt by one's inner self : 지각 있는, 깨달은
* sway : influence or control : 영향(력), 통제

자금 조달 의혹이 여야의 팽팽한 정권 대치 상황으로 발전된 사실을
의식하여, 박총장은 이번 사건의 조사는 서로 대립한 양 정당의 이해관계에
영향을 받아서는 안 된다고 경고했다.

The opposition GNP took the offensive against the ruling Millennium
Democratic Party (MDP), criticizing that the probes into the campaign
funds were political *retaliation against opposition lawmakers.

* retaliation : return like for like; esp : to get revenge : 보복

한나라당은 이번 선거자금 수사는 야당 의원들에 대한 정치적 보복이라고
비난하면서 민주당에 대한 공세를 시작했다.

GNP lawmakers, including their leader Rep. Lee Hoi-chang, also
claimed that the investigations are designed to restore the coalition
with the minor opposition United Liberal Democrats (ULD) headed by
Rep. Kim Jong- pil.

이회창 총재를 포함한 한나라당 의원들은 또한 이번 검찰 수사는 김종필
총재가 이끄는 소수 자민련과의 공조 복원을 위해 계획된 것이라고

(이상의 내용을 바탕으로 아래의 나머지 기사 내용은 여러분이 스스로
시도해보시기 바랍니다. 자생력영어학습법에서는 해설을 해드리는 것이
목적이 아니라 여러분에게 해설의 지팡이를 제공해드리는 것을 목적으로
하고 있습니다. 여러분이 직접 해설을 시도하는 가운데 여러분의
영어실력이 늘어나게 됩니다.)

The chief prosecutor urged the political parties to stop using the
recent probes as political maneuvering, saying that law-enforcement
authorities are conducting investigations to bring light to illegal
activities by the intelligence agency and the then-ruling party

However, the prosecution hinted that it has no immediate plan to
investigate GNP president Lee or former president Kim Young-sam,
who led the NKP during his five-year rule ending in February 1998.

Sources close to the prosecution predicted that the investigation
team would conclude the case by indicting Rep. Kang, former NSP
deputy head Kim Ki-sop and ex-GNP legislator Hwang Myung-soo.

The prosecution is studying ways of arraigning Rep. Kang because
the lawmaker continues to refuse to comply with the summons for
questioning. It earlier asked him to make a voluntary appearance at
the prosecutor's office at 3 p.m. yesterday.

But Kang ignored the request, claiming that he had committed
nothing wrong in relation with the parliamentary elections and
campaign funds.

The prosecution plans to summon former NSP chief Kown Young-hae
and then senior presidential secretary for political affairs Lee
Won-jong to question them if they were involved in the funding

Kim Ki-sop was arrested on Friday on charges of misappropriating
the NSP budget to raise 115.7 billion won worth of campaign funds
and intervening in politics.

Hwang was arrested on Saturday for taking 400 million won in bribes
from Choi Man-sok, a Korean-American lobbyist for the French
high-speed railcar maker Alstom. He is suspected of exercising
influence on administration officials to choose Alstom for the
Seoul-Pusan high-speed railway project.

Hwang is also suspected of receiving 200 million won in campaign
funds from the intelligence agency.


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